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Wideband Vector Corrected Measurements on a Modified Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) System

C. Schulze1, W. Heinrich1, J. Dunsmore2, O. Bengtsson1

Published in:

99th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium (ARFTG), Denver, USA, Jun. 24, ISBN 978-1-6654-6894-7 (2022).


Vector corrected wideband measurements on a modified vector network analyzer system are presented using wideband modulated signals as stimulus. The modified system allows intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidths exceeding 5 GHz based on external wideband IF access, signal conditioning and digitalization. A combined RF and IF calibration has been developed that allows full-band calibration using CW excitation, while measurements are made with wideband modulated signals. Impedance measurements verify excellent accuracy at -59 dB deviation for an electrically switched impedance whicgh is only a few dB less than for narrowband measurements. Repeatability of calculated error terms for consecutive calibrations also show comparable performance as for narrow-band measurements. Wideband one-port impedance measurements at 12.5 GHz using a Schroeder signal with 500 MHz instantaneous bandwidth show less than -50 dB deviation with coherent averaging even without correcting for mixer distortion.

1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin, Germany
2 Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, USA

Index Terms:

Wideband calibration, wideband measurement, vector network analyzer measurement, measurement technique

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