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Analysis and Optimization of Packaged Floating-Ground RF Power GaN-HEMTs

S. Paul, W. Heinrich, O. Bengtsson

Published in:

Proc. 50th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2020), Utrecht, Netherlands, Jan. 12-14, pp. 1151-1154 (2021).


This paper presents the work of analyzing and optimizing a discrete packaged floating-ground RF power GaN-HEMT targeting medium-power reverse-type envelope tracking applications like base stations for 5G or power amplifier systems for space communications. Investigations on fabricated samples demonstrate the impact of the internal layout on the achievable instantaneous modulation bandwidth (IBW) and operating frequency. It is found that in a standard RF package the IBW is determined by the RF bypass capacitor and the inductances of the connecting bond wires to the same extent. Depending on the package dimensions, the size and technology of the RF bypass capacitor and the bond wire inductances, it is expected that the IBW can be extended to beyond 500 MHz.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, 12489 Berlin, Germany


envelope tracking, HEMTs, reverse buck converters, RF power amplifiers, RF power transistors, semiconductor device packaging.

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