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  3. An Ultra-broadband Low-Noise D ...


An Ultra-broadband Low-Noise Distributed Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology

T. Shivan1, M. Hossain1, D. Stoppel1, N. Weimann2, S. Schulz1, R. Doerner1, V. Krozer1, W. Heinrich1

Published in:

48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2018), Madrid, Spain, Sep. 25-27, pp. 1209-1212 (2018).


This paper reports an ultra-wideband low-noise amplifier in a transferred-substrate InP DHBT technology. The wideband characteristics are obtained by using a distributed topology with cascode unit cells. Each unit cell consists of two cascode-connected transistors with 500 nm emitter length and an ft/fmax of ∼ 350/400 GHz respectively. Due to optimum line-impedance matching, low common-base transistor’s capacitance, and low collector-current operation, the circuit also exhibits a low noise figure. The measured circuit shows a bandwidth of 40 ... 185 GHz with a noise figure of 8 dB in the frequency range 75 ... 105 GHz. Moreover, this circuit demonstrates the widest 3-dB bandwidth operation among all reported single stage amplifiers with cascode configuration.

1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH), Berlin, Germany
2 University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany


distributed amplifier, transferred-substrate, InP DHBT, travelling wave amplifier, low-noise amplifier.

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